“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14

The baby called King of kings certainly has
a lot of names. It’s almost as if one name can’t cover all that Jesus is. After all, when Moses asks God’s name back in Exodus 3:14, God responds, “I AM who I AM.” Who is God? God IS! There is no adequate name!
When Isaiah the prophet foretold the coming of the Messiah, he used the word “Immanuel” meaning “God is with us.” God with the people, ONE of the people, not residing in Heaven, but intimately involved with human life.
When the baby is born, Joseph names him “Jesus” meaning “God saves,” because the angel Gabriel told him to. Why didn’t the angel want to name him “Immanuel”? One reason could be in the actual wording of the prophecy. Isaiah says the people would “call him Immanuel,” not that his name would be “Immanuel.” However, Gabriel tells Joseph to name the boy “Jesus,” which doesn’t rule out him being called “God with us” as well.
And this has turned out to be true. We call the Christ-child “Jesus” when we say that God saves, and we call him “Immanuel” when we say Jesus lives in our hearts.

This Advent season, our worships have been organized around different names and titles we give to Jesus. What names or titles are you drawn to this year? Who has Jesus been to you?
“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21
Grace and peace, Pastor Andy
1 Names of Christ Series-"Immanuel: God With Us"
Christmas Cantata:"Bethlehem’s Child”
8 Names of Christ Series-"Messiah: Anointed One"
15 Names of Christ Series-"King of the Jews"
Baptismal Service
Baptismal Service
22 Names of Christ Series-"Son of God"
24 Names of Christ Series, Christmas Eve
"Jesus: God Saves"
29 Janet Sell
Life Lessons :
17) When in doubt, just take the
next small step.
18) Don’t take yourself so seriously.
No one else does!
19) Cry with someone. It’s more
healing than crying alone.
20) Believe in miracles!