“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
1Peter 2:9

We are the chosen people, no longer restricted by bloodlines, but inclusive of all who seek God through faith. We are a royal priesthood, no longer offering sacrifices in exchange for God’s favor, but directly connected to divine love through Jesus Christ. We are a holy nation, no longer bound by political agendas and geographical boundaries, but united in a heaven-on-earth Kingdom with Christ Jesus as our Lord. We are a people belonging to God, a family bound by grace, with Christ as our brother, and God as our strong and gentle parent.
We are the church! The Church is not
a place we go to, but it is the people.
As we wind down our early summer worship series, “6 Reasons NOT to Go to Church,”
I notice the normal summertime drop in attendance, and I hope the two are not related! We have explored together the distorted attitudes we too often bring to worship. Bad reasons to come:
1. Because it’s our duty!
2. Because that’s what makes us Christian!
3. So we can hear the expert!
4. So we can get our needs met!
5. So we can perform (and be performed for)!
6. So we can get inspired and feel good!
Later in the summer, we will continue to explore our motivations for church with a two-part series, “2 Reasons to COME to Church.” If you are curious what they will be, here they are: SPOILER ALERT
1. So we can receive God
2. So we can submit to God
I pray that God will continue to move in our church, bringing our attitudes and motiva-tions more in line with the Spirit of radical love and service.
Grace and peace, Pastor Andy
Andy’s July Worship Schedule:
7 Communion Sunday 6 Reasons NOT to Go to Church:
"So We Can Get Inspired and Feel Good!"
14 Installation and Membership David Steele, District Ex. Minister
21 2 Reasons to “Go to Church”: “So We Can Receive God”
28 Pastor Andy on Vacation
Pictured on the top right are Gene Hagenberger, Middle Atlantic District Minister, and Andy. Pictured on the bottom left is Courtney, Andy, Rebecca (mom), and Scott Duffey (dad).
Life Lessons :
5) Life is too short to waste time
hating anyone.
6) Don’t compare your life to
others. You have no idea what
their journey is about.